Content Distribution Plan: What It Is, Why It Matters & How To Use It (2024)

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Content distribution strategies have never been more important than today.

A content distribution strategy is a plan that helps an organization disseminate its content, whether it’s promoting the latest blog post or sharing a new ebook. Publishing content can only take you so far; a content distribution strategy makes sure that content is seen by the world.

Content distribution strategies are increasingly important because of the amount of data that individuals and brands are creating each minute.

Look at these stats:

👉Instagram users publish 46,740 posts per minute.

👉 Twitter users send 456,000 tweets per minute.

👉 There are 3,60,7080 Google searches per minute.

👉LinkedIn has more than 100 million users logging in every day.

👉 89% of marketers say awareness is their brands #1 goal

These statistics are mind-boggling, no doubt. But it’s important to recognize the underlying fact these statistics are all pointing to: There’s a whole lot of content being produced each minute and it’s pretty damn noisy.

If you are a B2B business, these numbers should scare you.

B2B marketing has always been challenging, but technology has made it even more so. Your customers are constantly living in the age of information overload and needless to say, getting people to see and consume your content has become a task.

To cut through the noise and grab their attention, you not only have to produce quality content consistently but also do a killer job distributing it.

Producing content is one thing—distributing it is another.

100+ Content Distribution Tactics For Results-Driven B2B Brands

Give your content more reach using these tried & tested distribution methods.


Without distribution, your content won’t reach your target audience. They won’t know about your product, what it does and how it can help them reach their goals. They’ll have no clue why they should park their marketing dollars with your brand rather than your competitor. You won’t have enough leads to sell your product to.

But content distribution has always been regarded as the Achilles’ heel of content marketing. Not everyone knows how to do it right.

For most businesses, content distribution means dumping links on social media, spamming forums, and running ill-planned ad campaigns in hopes of generating leads.

They forget that not every content distribution channel is suited for their business, and that even if a channel works, it won’t give them the same results each time.

To get consistent sales leads from your blogs, ebooks, email newsletter, podcasts, webinars, and any other content assets, you not only need exceptional content but also a solid content distribution strategy. We are talking about the kind of stuff that drives brand awareness, generates leads, and opens the door to conversations with your prospects.

In this post, you are going to learn everything you need to know about creating your own rock-solid content distribution strategy:

  • What is a content distribution strategy?
  • Answers to the most common questions about content distribution strategies
  • How to create one that works for your business

Let’s get started.

BUT FIRST…. I have two gifts:

1. A Content Distribution Checklist that you can download for free.


2. A detailed walk through of some of the best content distribution techniques that you should consider embracing in your company:

What is a content distribution strategy?

A content distribution strategy is a strategic document that an organization creates to guide its marketing efforts for promoting posts, ebooks, resources, and other content assets.

The reasons for creating a content distribution strategy are plenty. A document like this kills the randomness and provides structure to the promotion process.

A thoughtful content distribution strategy simplifies the process of reaching the right audience at the right time and convinces them to take the desired action on your content asset, whether that’s downloading an ebook, signing up for a newsletter or booking a demo on your website.

Now that we understand the what and why of a content distribution strategy, let’s tackle some of the other questions you probably have.

Big Questions About Content Distribution Strategies

We know that marketing strategy looks different for every business, and therefore content distribution strategies will differ too. Before you move ahead with building a plan from scratch, let’s answer the three most common questions marketers have about content distribution strategies.

Question 1: Should Different Content Types Have A Different Content Distribution Strategies?

One of the most common mistakes businesses make when distributing their content is using the same distribution strategy for all their content assets. But that’s like submitting the exact same resume and cover letter for lots of different jobs—and we all know the latter never works.

If you’re still unclear on the answer to the big question, it’s yes—different content types should have different distribution strategies.

Before we move any further let’s first understand why that’s important. Content today can be sliced two ways: content format and content type. The format and type of every piece of content plays a significant role in determining the ideal content distribution strategy for your business.

Formats include video, audio, long-form text, text animation, etc. The type could be a case study, research paper, a digital flip book, blog post, webinar, etc.

Let’s look at an example: a podcast.

What do you think you’ll do to distribute your podcast?

Here are a few ideas that may come to mind first:

  • Promote it on social media
  • Announce it on your blog
  • Put a link on your website

But what else can you do?

  • Convert the audio to a YouTube video
  • Submit it to a podcast directory
  • Pull out the best bits to create audio snippets or image quotes (with the help of a photo creator)
  • Ask your podcast guest to promote it

Now, take a minute and evaluate how different this strategy might be from promoting an ebook. The same major distribution channels would be in play, I get it, but a lot of the specifics wouldn’t make sense for an ebook. Imagine converting a 40-page ebook into a YouTube video— it may be effective but it is time-consuming. Instead, using exit intent pop-ups, promoting it on thank you pages or even via your signatures or paid social ads is a much better strategy here.

Question 2: How Do I know If The Content Distribution Strategy Is Working?

Now, this is a question I get quite often. Content distribution is tricky. It’s very common for teams to put in a lot of effort to create a content asset, distribute it in a top-notch style, and in the end, fail to get the kind of leads they were expecting. The content may garner a lot of traffic and social mentions, but nothing of real value.

As marketers, we’ve all been there—doing our best to align content distribution with lead generation, brand awareness, and engagement, and not seeing the desired results.

But what do you do when your efforts fail to deliver over and over again?

Content Distribution Plan: What It Is, Why It Matters & How To Use It (1)

Image source

It’s time for some assessment.

The best way it to do a deep dive into your analytics—coz numbers don’t lie.

Using analytics to check up on how your content performs (and how it impacts with your business’ bottom line) is an expected part of any content marketing strategy. And luckily, there are a lot of software, from Google Analytics, social media analytics tools, AI business tools, and rank tracking tools like Wope to help make this easier for you.

But when it comes to gauging the success of your content, you need to be VERY clear about what you want to measure.

Very often marketers run to vanity metrics such as blog post page views or email open rate and lose sight of what’s important. This causes confusion since these metrics do not lead anywhere.

Not sure which metrics to monitor? This chart will help you match your goals with the right KPIs.

Content Distribution Plan: What It Is, Why It Matters & How To Use It (2)

The next step is to get smart about measuring your paid and earned content distribution efforts. While different companies may have different approaches, setting up goals, events and UTM tagging will ensure you get data that’s easy to decode.

The right analytics will show you where you should focus your efforts and which channels aren’t worth your time. Bonus: Analytics reveal the type of content that’s appealing to your audience.

Question 3: Paid Vs. Organic—What’s Right For My Brand?

Should you go the paid route or stick to distributing content organically?

This a tough one again.

From my experience, I feel that it’s best to begin your content distribution efforts organically.

How do you do that?

Once the content is published on your site, push it organically on channels that you own and manage, reach out to influencers, or distribute your content on forums. I recently shared the exact method I use for distributing content on the Everybody Hates Marketers podcast.

Once you’ve mastered the art of distributing content organically, you can slowly and steadily test the waters of paid distribution via channels like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google and Amazon.

Now, I get it that paid distribution can be extremely overwhelming at the beginning and that’s why it is advisable to use it to promote only key content pieces such as case studies, ebooks, and white papers. Once you’ve mastered the art of paid distribution you can then apply what you’ve learned to promote all your other content assets. Of course, the budget and approach will differ with each campaign.

Below is a good example from the team at Marketo of using Facebook ads to upsell an ebook.

Content Distribution Plan: What It Is, Why It Matters & How To Use It (3)

In the end, whether you should pursue paid or organic distribution boils down to what works for your business and how much money you can put into distributing content.

How To Create A Content Distribution Strategy

By now you should have a clear idea of what a content distribution strategy is, how you should measure your distribution efforts, and whether you should go the paid route or the organic route.

In this section, I’m going to take you through the step-by-step process of creating a content distribution strategy from scratch. Please note that while the examples I’m citing are mostly B2B SaaS, this process works for other B2B and B2C companies as well with just a minor tweak here and there.

Step 1: Understand your target audience

I’m sure you know about user personas and how they align with your overall marketing strategy. Per the Content Marketing Institute:

A marketing persona is a composite sketch of a key segment of your audience. For content marketing purposes, you need personas to help you deliver content that will be most relevant and useful to your audience.

Not every business invests in creating buyer personas, but creating them can help you distribute the right content via the right channels.

MailChimp has done an awesome job of creating personas, and that is reflected in both the quality of the content they produce and the way they distribute it.

Content Distribution Plan: What It Is, Why It Matters & How To Use It (4)

Now, I’m sure you are going to ask me, How is persona development connected with content distribution?

Here’s how: Personas will help you envision the things that REALLY matter to your customer, and the content they REALLY want to consume.

When you know those things, content distribution becomes really easy because you not only create content that’s aligned with your audience’s needs (and not created just for the sake of it ) but distribute it in ways that fit your audience’s needs and behaviors.

If you don’t have a well chalked-out persona, there’s no need to panic—just ask yourself a few questions. Who is going to benefit from your content the most? Are they the decision-makers? Is the content helping them connect with your brand? Those are the kinds of questions that will help you “freeze” your target audience.

Step 2: Research the platform where your audience is active

After identifying your true target audience, find out where they hang out and then spend time ensuring that your content is reaching them on those channels.

For example, if you are a B2B SaaS company, you know that your target audience can be found in SaaS communities such as GrowthHackers, SaaS-based Slack channels, and Facebook groups, etc.

If you aren’t sure where your target audience is, a good way to find relevant communities is by doing a quick search on the web, or on sites like Quora and Reddit.

For example, if I go to Quora and I do a quick search for the keyword “marketing,” I’m going to find people who are asking questions about marketing. I’m then going to see a question about the best way to use Reddit for marketing a new application.

Now I know from experience that Reddit makes marketers jittery. That’s because a lot of them don’t understand it well.

Having spent numerous hours decoding Reddit, I know this is right up my alley and so and I’m going to respond to whoever asked the question by giving them valuable insights and a valuable recommendation about how they can use Reddit.

Content Distribution Plan: What It Is, Why It Matters & How To Use It (5)

When I distribute content for my clients and my internal brands, I start by making sure I know three basics about the target audience:

  1. Who they’re spending time with
  2. Where they’re asking questions
  3. Where they’re spending time online

Once I know this information, I engage with the intended audience in these communities—not just spamming them, submitting a link and walking away, but instead going in first and foremost with value and then referencing the content that I want them to check out, just like I did while answering the question above.

Content Distribution Plan: What It Is, Why It Matters & How To Use It (6)

Another platform that makes marketers sweat is LinkedIn, simply because distributing content using LinkedIn is not as straightforward as it is on Facebook Groups or Twitter. Given that 80 percent of B2B leads come from LinkedIn vs. 13 percent from Twitter and 7 percent from Facebook, it is a no-brainer that you need to master content distribution on this platform.

If you are looking to double down on your LinkedIn marketing efforts but don’t know where to start, this post about LinkedIn promotion tactics will come in handy.

Step 3: Create copy that’s customized for the platform

You’ll dress differently for a Halloween party than for a Christmas bash, no?

The reason is simple: Different occasions demand that you do things differently. You may have ham at Christmas, but it is candy all the way on Halloween.

The same is true of distributing content.

Different channels may seem similar from a distance, but the distribution strategy should be tailored to each platform in order to get traction.

A key part of this strategy is understanding the “language” of each channel so you can customize the copy you use to push your content. Instead of just sharing a link to the content asset and waiting for people to get curious and click, you have to tell them what they’ll find inside and how this content will help them achieve a goal.

But how? It depends on the platform. Are these folks talking in 280 characters or meatier paragraphs? Do they prefer plain text or emojis and GIFs?

We always advice conducting in-depth customer research to figure this out.

The next steps are aimed at improving your content distribution efforts by helping you get to know your audience even better. Let’s take a look:

Step 4: Interview your customers

Now, here’s the thing—qualitative research plays a big part in letting you know the EXACT things your customers want to learn, eliminating the guesswork entirely.

Send your customers a survey via email (maybe combine it with an NPS survey) or set up a face-to-face chat. If you’re going the NPS survey route, you can choose an NPS survey tool that works best for you.

The benefits of following this approach are plenty:

  1. You get to build a deeper relationship with your audience because they know that you are listening.
  2. You get a better understanding of your audience.
  3. You are able to create a content distribution strategy that’s tailor-made to your audience and their needs.

Step 5: Evaluate, Rinse, Repeat

The final step of a content distribution strategy is to see how your content is performing. Which pieces are driving the most traffic to your website? Which CTA has worked the best? Which content asset is attracting the most signups to your newsletter?

With all the data, you can rework your approach as needed, as well as create a content repurposing strategy.

Ready To Rock Your Content Distribution Strategy?

Now that you know what a content distribution strategy is and why it matters, it’s time to build your own.

Content Distribution Plan: What It Is, Why It Matters & How To Use It (7)

But before you get started, remember: The game is definitely getting harder and I think being successful now really comes down to not being afraid to experiment with different channels and tactics for putting your story out there.

As marketers we know that content is no longer king—distribution is. And in that spirit, I’m sharing a free distribution checklist that includes over 100 of my most effective distribution tips. So go ahead—download your copy for free today and start driving more results from your content distribution efforts.

100+ Content Distribution Tactics For Results-Driven B2B Brands

Give your content more reach using these tried & tested distribution methods.


Content Distribution

Ross Simmonds

14 Min Read

Content Distribution Plan: What It Is, Why It Matters & How To Use It (8)

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Content Distribution Plan: What It Is, Why It Matters & How To Use It (2024)


Content Distribution Plan: What It Is, Why It Matters & How To Use It? ›

Content distribution is about getting your content in front of your audience — not just any audience. You can't do this properly if you don't know where they are and what they like to read. Before you build your strategy any further, research your target audience to know precisely who will consume your content.

What is content distribution and why is it important? ›

Content distribution is about getting your content in front of your audience — not just any audience. You can't do this properly if you don't know where they are and what they like to read. Before you build your strategy any further, research your target audience to know precisely who will consume your content.

How do you set an effective content distribution? ›

How do you develop an effective content distribution strategy?
  1. Set goals.
  2. Know your audience.
  3. Choose the right channels.
  4. Share the right content.
  5. Use the right tools.
  6. Create a content distribution calendar.
  7. Create and distribute your content.
  8. Measure your performance.
Mar 7, 2023

What is the most important element of your content distribution strategy? ›

Audience research

This element is one of the core components of your content strategy. Discovering your audience's demographics, interests, device types and more can help you make your content more attractive.

Why having a content distribution plan is crucial in content strategy? ›

A critical part of any organization's overall digital marketing strategy is content distribution. It can boost brand awareness, foster trust among audiences, and assist marketers in building a loyal community of followers.

What is an example of content distribution? ›

Examples of earned content distribution can include: Mentions, shares, and user-generated content (UGC). Engagement like this shows your followers are actually interested in your content. You can (and should) repurpose this kind of earned content into your social strategy.

What are the benefits of content distribution? ›

Effective digital content distribution helps increase brand awareness and reach a larger audience. Businesses can also increase engagement with their brand by distributing content through different channels, from social media to email marketing.

What makes a content strategy successful? ›

A good content strategy considers a KPI, and then works towards reaching it. It is a roadmap that plans out the exact steps that need to be taken in order to reach that goal. But of course, even with all the best planning and execution, sometimes, content campaigns don't meet their KPIs.

What makes a good distribution strategy? ›

A distribution strategy should define where and how your consumers purchase your products. The most efficient distribution strategies complement the existing internal resources within your company, to save money, and outsource any additional services that are needed.

What is content distribution plan? ›

A content distribution strategy is a plan that helps an organization disseminate its content, whether it's promoting the latest blog post or sharing a new ebook. Publishing content can only take you so far; a content distribution strategy makes sure that content is seen by the world.

What are the most important 4 factors to create a great content? ›

With this in mind, let's look at five key factors for successful content.
  • Quality. “Quality content” is so much more than a catchy buzzword for marketers. ...
  • Powerful Titles. ...
  • Useful Content. ...
  • Creativity. ...
  • Frequency. ...
  • Share this post.
Sep 25, 2020

What are the 3 most important elements of content strategy? ›

Industry experts will tell you that an effective content strategy must have three core elements to be successful: brand focus, user experience, and content distribution.

Why is it important to have a content plan? ›

A content strategy helps you define your marketing goals and set priorities. It allows you to plan your work and ensure that all marketing effort is goal driven. With a documented content strategy, you can ensure that every bit of effort put-in by your team translates into tangible results.

What is the purpose of a content plan? ›

Content planning is how you define what content you're going to publish, when, and where. With an effective content plan (sometimes referred to as a “content calendar” or “editorial calendar”), you can prioritize tasks, organize the creation process, and keep track of your progress.

What are 4 channels of distribution examples? ›

Distribution channels include wholesalers, retailers, distributors, and the Internet.

What are the three distribution examples? ›

There are three types of distribution channels: direct, indirect and hybrid.

What are three examples of content marketing? ›

Content marketing examples include media like newsletters, podcasts, social media posts, and videos. All of these forms of content are meant to provide useful and relevant information that delights users and attracts them to your brand.

What are the four 4 main factors to consider when evaluating a platform for content distribution? ›

4 Steps to Content Marketing Optimization
  • #1: Determine the Right Mix. Companies have many options when it comes to developing a content distribution strategy. ...
  • #2: Establish the Right Frequency. A “spray and pray” approach no longer serves your brand. ...
  • #3: Promote Wisely. ...
  • Content Check-In! ...
  • #4: Reassess and Recalibrate.

What are the 5 advantages of distribution channel? ›

  • Increase Customer Base and Reach More Target Market Segments. ...
  • Improve Customer Interactions and Increase Availability. ...
  • Increase Revenues. ...
  • Optimize the Supply Chain. ...
  • Multiple, Diversified Distribution Channels Reduce Risk.
Jun 26, 2020

What are the 3 C's of content strategy? ›

Brands and publishers must work together to evolve the content marketing landscape. Successful content marketing programs hinge on the 3 Cs – content, context, and communication.

What are the 4 strategic types of content? ›

You will be able to identify and define the four types of strategic content: attraction content, affinity content, action content, and authority content.

What are the three pillars of content strategy? ›

When developing a content marketing strategy that will deliver positive business results, keep the three pillars in mind: value, relevance, and consistency.

What are the 4 methods of distribution? ›

Four types of distribution are direct selling, selling through intermediaries, dual distribution, and reverse distribution.

What is the goal of distribution strategy? ›

Distribution strategy involves coming up with an efficient method of disseminating your company's products or services. The goal of this type of strategy is to maximize revenue while maintaining loyal customers.

What are the 7 C's strategy? ›

There are seven core elements that if considered will contribute to the organization's project decision-making process. The seven elements (7 C's) are: customers, competitors, capabilities, cost, channels, communication, and coordination.

How do you create a distribution plan? ›

Steps for Building a Distribution Network
  1. Carefully consider your customers. ...
  2. Research potential channels of distribution. ...
  3. Establish relationships and reach agreements with intermediaries. ...
  4. Track your results and perform distribution network optimization. ...
  5. Consider expanding your distribution network.
Oct 30, 2020

What is the focus of the content plan? ›

Your content strategy must include research (industry and competitive), goals, messaging, and themes, all while focusing on your ideal buyer and his or her needs, motivations, and challenges. On the technical side, content strategy encompasses the creation, publication, and governance of your content.

What are the 5 C's of content? ›

SELWAB is a mnemonic device to remind marketers what's most important to the prospect. It stands for "start every letter with a benefit." Yet another writing formula I use — one I invented — is the "Five C's." It says that every good piece of content is clear, concise, compelling and credible, and has a call to action.

What are the 5 C's of content creation? ›

The 5 'C's' of Content Creation
  • Be Consistent. When creating content it's essential to be consistent with the way you create you content but also the way you promote that content. ...
  • Be Contextual. When you create content it needs to be tailored with your specific buyer persona in mind. ...
  • Be Cohesive. ...
  • Be Concise. ...
  • Be Credible.
Apr 7, 2016

What are the 4 E's of content creation? ›

Krakoff advises writers and communicators to write for the “4 E's”: educate, entertain, engage, and enrich the lives of your readers. She suggests that professionals across all industries should create a marketing/brand strategy that is memorable in each of these four domains.

What are the 4 C's of content marketing? ›

The 4 C's of Marketing are Customer, Cost, Convenience, and Communication. These 4 C's determine whether a company is likely to succeed or fail in the long run. The customer is the heart of any marketing strategy.

What is the difference between content plan and content strategy? ›

Content strategy defines what are you using content to do (e.g., generate and qualify leads), and, just as important, what you are not going to use content to do (e.g., upsell to customers). A content plan reflects the type of content and the topics you need to produce to fulfill the strategy.

What are the key elements of good content? ›

Good content has four elements:
  • Relevant. People want content relevant to their interests. ...
  • Intellectual. People want content that introduces them to new things. ...
  • Sensorial. Good storytelling is all about the details. ...
  • Emotional.
May 24, 2022

What are the three main purposes of content? ›

At the basest of levels, there are three purposes or reasons for writing non-fiction content: to inform, to opine, or to persuade (or sell). In modern times, the three are often conflated — with factual explanations often laced with opinion-but, the three main reasons remain.

What are the 8 steps to planning content? ›

What are the eight steps in the content development process?
  • Defining the target audience.
  • Setting objectives with clear goals.
  • Conducting keyword research.
  • Developing a content plan.
  • Create the content per the content calendar.
  • Review and refine the content.
  • Publish and promote the content.
  • Measure and analyze the results.
Nov 29, 2022

What are the four main purposes of content? ›

This diagram represents the four main purposes of content, which include to entertain, to inspire, to educate and to convince. Failure to create content that aligns with these criteria could result in missing out on attracting your potential audiences.

What is the most important part of content creation? ›

1. Relevant: The most crucial aspect of any content is whether it's relevant to your target audience and aligned with your business goals. These are some parameters that guarantee your content stays relevant. Content is geared toward the specific needs of your audience.

What is the meaning of content distribution? ›

Content distribution describes the process of promoting and disseminating a piece of content once it has been published. Marketing Dictionary.

What is the meaning of distribution of content? ›

Content distribution refers to any means used by brands to disseminate content to large and targeted audiences. Content distribution platforms are many and are increasing by the day, but they can be best categorized into three broad categories - Paid media, owned media and earned media.

Why is distribution so important? ›

Distribution management leads to decreased shipping charges and faster delivery to customers, and it also makes things easier for buyers as it enables “one stop shopping” and other conveniences and rewards, such as customer loyalty rewards programs.

What is distribution content? ›

Content distribution is the process of publishing and promoting your content through various channels and media formats. This can include your website, ads, your social media channels, email newsletters, and other channels we'll explore in a moment.

What are four channels of distributions? ›

Distribution channels include wholesalers, retailers, distributors, and the Internet.

How do you distribute content on social media? ›

  1. 5 social media content distribution ideas. ...
  2. Engage with your social media audience. ...
  3. Repurpose and reuse old content. ...
  4. Explore niche channels and delivery tools. ...
  5. Boost existing posts. ...
  6. Develop ad spend strategies.

What does it mean to distribute information? ›

Information distribution refers to the processes through which individuals, groups, or different units of the organization share data and information among themselves.

What does it mean when you distribute? ›

to give something out to several people, or to spread or supply something: The books will be distributed free to local schools.

What are channels of distribution? ›

A channel of distribution—also referred to as a distribution channel—is the method a company uses to get a product or service into the hands of a consumer as quickly and efficiently as possible.

What are the 4 types of distribution strategies? ›

Distribution Strategies Types
  • Direct distribution. Direct distribution involves the manufacturer taking orders and sending its products directly to the consumer. ...
  • Indirect distribution. ...
  • Intensive distribution. ...
  • Selective distribution. ...
  • Exclusive distribution.
Jul 1, 2022

What are the 4 steps in the distribution process? ›

Producer-wholesaler-retailer-customer – This is regarded as the traditional stage of product distribution which flows from producer to wholesaler to distributor to retailer before finally reaching the consumer.

What are the four elements of distribution? ›

Integration, operations, purchasing and distribution are the four elements of the supply chain that work together to establish a path to competition that is both cost-effective and competitive.


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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.