Top 10 strategies for taking a multiple choice test 100% perfectly | GK Teaching (2024)

Here are 10 test-taking tactics and strategies for taking a multiple choice test you can use immediately to skyrocket your score on the very next multiple-choice exam. None of these proven strategies is theoretical quite the opposite it’s all practical and immediately actionable.

These strategies for taking a multiple-choice test will give you the powerful eight-word phrase that works like magic to get correct answers to pop into your head.

  1. Read the entire test

First, need to quickly read over the entire test. You see you can give yourself a huge advantage by doing this. It’ll start your subconscious mind working in the background on some of the more difficult problems and you will find that sometimes you’ll even discover the answers to early questions that may be contained in later questions look.

I realize that not every exam will give you the ability to read it all first but whenever possible doing it will ultimately save you time not cost any.

  1. Read the directions carefully

I know that some of you can’t wait to jump right into answering questions but that could lead to disastrous consequences and I’ll bet some of you resist even the directions to put together.

If the test was created by your instructor, he or she may likely have different biases than if the test was created by the department head or if it’s a standardized test created by a licensing board.

For example, if the directions say to select the most correct answer you’ve just been told that there may be more than one right answer or shades of right answers that we’ll need to apply your instructor’s particular viewpoint on the subject to give the answer you think.

Your instructor wants regardless of whether or not you personally agree with the instructor’s point of view. now, this is particularly important if the class is something like philosophy or ethics and less important if the subject is related to math or science. These strategies for taking a multiple choice test will help you to get 100%.

  1. Work fast

Speed is an important answer. The easy ones first give you time to go back and better consider the questions that require a bit more thought.

Studies have shown that the students who trust themselves enough to blast through the test quickly nearly always do better than the slow cautious ones who have to labor over every answer.

  1. Before you answer guess that’s right

Before you even look at your choices think about whether you already know the answer from your memory. Now if you do then find your answer in the choices and quickly move on if not then read the question again.

You may have missed something at the very least your subconscious will work on the problem while you re-read your choices.

  1. Watch out for weasel words

There are some words that people just tend to skip over when reading the question words like all none, here are a few more maybe possibly you’ll get the idea, these weasel words are thrown in there to deliberately trick you look it harder than you realize to write a multiple-choice test.

So test creators do what they can to trip you up it’s rare that anything is always true so if you see something like that you’d better. Be sure there are no exceptions, sometimes you’ll have two answers that are nearly identical but are only different by a word or two. Pay special attention to those choices. If you practically implement these strategies for taking a multiple choice test then it’s quite easy for you to attempt any type of multiple choice test.

  1. Eliminate the least likely answers quickly

You’re probably already doing this now but I want you to pay special attention to this tactic because it can really speed up your progress and give you more time.

In the end, go back and check your answers or work on the hard ones. Some of the choices they give you will be obviously wrong, others may be partly wrong, and you can eliminate them quickly.

Sometimes you will have answers that are in pairs but say completely opposite things. Usually one of them will be the right answer.

  1. pick the answer that’s closest

This frequently happens on math and science tests. You need to be a little like goldilocks in the story with the three bears, one answer will be too high, and one will be too low.

You’re looking for the one that’s just right however you might have to settle for the one that’s mostly right. Sometimes there may be two of them that are pretty close instead of taking the time to do a full calculation.

Estimate the answer and pick the one that’s closest to your estimate. If several answers are overly similar don’t just jump at choosing to read each answer, observe what the differences are maybe.

It’s a decimal point in the wrong place or perhaps it’s a changed symbol in the formula, reading every answer before you choose will sometimes ring a little bell in the back of your mind to alert you that is one of the best strategies for taking a multiple choice test easily.

  1. Play the odds

Guess you need to know how the test is being graded, does a wrong answer count the same as one where you didn’t answer at all, or are those two situations greeted differently? If you’re not being penalized anymore for a wrong answer than the one you left blank then you might as well.

Do your best to eliminate the ones that are obviously wrong and take your best guess, however, in some standardized exams points are deducted for answers left blank than for those that are wrong. So be sure that you know how your test will be graded before you take it and the easiest way to do that is to simply ask your instructor to think of it this way.

If your test has four answer choices typically you can eliminate two of them immediately, now your odds are 50-50 of guessing correctly which means that if you’ve used the other tactics we’ve covered so far that the minimum grade would probably be about 75 percent that’s a pretty good place to start from.

Simply using these types of strategies for taking a multiple choice test we’re able to pass the exams easily.

  1. Pay attention to your hunches

Your intuition can be very valuable during your exams. Learn to trust yourself after you’ve answered all the questions, go back to the ones you struggled with, read the question again read each of your possible answer choices again, and then if something is still telling you to change your answer, do it.

Don’t change answers back and forth several times that rarely works out and it wastes valuable time

  1. Use all your time

Just because you finish the test doesn’t mean you’re done, just yet go back and check your work reread the directions to be certain you, didn’t miss anything and check to see if your answers are in the right place.

Sometimes students who skip a question wind up making the right choice but in the wrong place.

Be sure to review the questions you struggled with or marked to come back to later then if there’s any time left go back one last time and check over all your other answers. At this point do not change any answers unless you have a really good reason for doing.

Read more;

  • Duolingo test preparation tips


Here are a few more things to know these strategies for taking a multiple-choice test are in priority order which means tactics one two and three are the most important ones. Be sure that no matter what you do those things then whenever needed apply whatever additional strategies are called for also you may have realized that you’re already using some of these tactics.

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Top 10 strategies for taking a multiple choice test 100% perfectly | GK Teaching (2024)


How do you get 100% on multiple choice exams? ›

How to ace multiple choice tests
  1. Read very carefully. Take the time to carefully read each question and answer choice. ...
  2. Come up with your own answer. ...
  3. Look for common types of wrong answers. ...
  4. Eliminate answers in two rounds. ...
  5. Do not obsess over your choices. ...
  6. Manage your time. ...
  7. Answer every question.
Nov 15, 2022

What test strategy is best for multiple choice? ›

How to Take Multiple Choice Tests
  • Preview the exam. ...
  • Start with questions you can answer readily. ...
  • Recycle through the test. ...
  • Set goals for time and pace yourself accordingly. ...
  • Read the questions carefully: twice if necessary. ...
  • Circle or underline key words in questions.

What are 10 test taking strategies? ›

Multiple/Choice Test Tips
  • Answer all questions in order. ...
  • Read questions carefully. ...
  • Words like always, never, completely, and only are absolutes. ...
  • Watch for words like not, least, and except. ...
  • Anticipate the answer. ...
  • Eliminate answers. ...
  • Go with your first choice. ...
  • Don't look for answers to fall in a pattern.

How do you get 100% on a test? ›

Follow these study tips to make your best grade!
  1. Get informed. Don't walk into your test unprepared for what you will face. ...
  2. Think like your teacher. ...
  3. Make your own study aids. ...
  4. Practice for the inevitable. ...
  5. Study every day. ...
  6. Cut out the distractions. ...
  7. Divide big concepts from smaller details. ...
  8. Don't neglect the “easy” stuff.

Is C usually the correct answer? ›

The idea that C is the best answer to choose when guess-answering a question on a multiple choice test rests on the premise that ACT answer choices are not truly randomized. In other words, the implication is that answer choice C is correct more often than any other answer choice.

What is the best study strategy? ›

One of the most impactful learning strategies is “distributed practice”—spacing out your studying over several short periods of time over several days and weeks (Newport, 2007). The most effective practice is to work a short time on each class every day.

What are multiple choice strategies? ›

Using the process of elimination, cross out all the answers you know are incorrect, then focus on the remaining answers. Not only does this strategy save time, it greatly increases your likelihood of selecting the correct answer.

What is the Shrek strategy? ›

Shrek as a strategy for taking objective exams.: S= Surveying, H= Have confidence, R= Read directions, E= Easy ques- tions first, and K= Key words. Porpe prepare ahead of time for essay questions. P= Predict, O= Organize, R= Rehearse, P= Practice, and E= Evaluate.

What are the 3 parts of multiple choice test? ›

They are typically composed of three parts:
  • question stems,
  • correct answer or answers, and.
  • distractors.

What are the 5 test taking strategies? ›

However, there are some general test taking strategies that will improve your chances of getting the grade you want on most, if not all, tests.
  1. Listen to the Instructions. ...
  2. Read the Entire Test. ...
  3. Do a “Brain Dump” ...
  4. Answer the Questions You Know First. ...
  5. Answer the Questions You Skipped. ...
  6. Be Sure the Test is Complete.
Sep 29, 2022

What are 4 test taking strategies? ›

Survey the entire test prior to taking the exam. Take a few deep breaths and relax tense muscle - repeat throughout the test. Read directions carefully - ask questions. Answer easier questions first - this will help calm you down.

What is 10 and 2 teaching strategies? ›

What is it? 10-2 is an instructional strategy that can be incorporated in session where a teacher talks for no more than 10 minutes and pauses for 2 minutes for the students to process the information followed by discussions if required.

How to pass a multiple choice test without knowing anything? ›

Here are a few of Poundstone's tactics for outsmarting any multiple-choice test:
  1. Ignore conventional wisdom. ...
  2. Look at the surrounding answers. ...
  3. Choose the longest answer. ...
  4. Eliminate the outliers.
Jun 26, 2015

What is the first step in preparing your study strategy for a test? ›

Find out what you already know

The first step to test prep is to determine what you know and don't know. Gather your course materials (syllabi, readings, notes, etc.) and determine what you have already learned so you don't waste your time studying what you already know.

How do you ace a test the night before? ›

Tips You Should Do the Night Before the Exam
  1. Eat a healthy meal: ...
  2. Set an alarm (or two): ...
  3. Don't drink too much water: ...
  4. Get enough sleep: ...
  5. Review study notes: ...
  6. Don't study too late: ...
  7. Work out: ...
  8. Prepare for the morning:

What letter is the most common answer? ›

E is everywhere. In an analysis of all 240,000 entries in the Concise Oxford English Dictionary, OED editors found that the letter E appears in approximately 11% of all words in the common English vocabulary, about 6,000 more words than the runner-up letter, A.

What is the probability of guessing on a multiple choice test? ›

For every question, there are two outcomes: Either you answer correctly or you don't. If you pick a random answer, the probability of guessing the right answer is one out of four, 1/4, or 0.25. Consequently, the probability of guessing wrong is a lot higher at 3/4 or 0.75.

How to do multiple choice questions? ›

  2. Use Plausible Distractors (wrong-response options) ...
  3. Use a Question Format. ...
  4. Emphasize Higher-Level Thinking. ...
  5. Emphasize Higher-Level Thinking (continued) ...
  6. Keep Option Lengths Similar. ...
  7. Balance the Placement of the Correct Answer. ...
  8. Be Grammatically Correct.

What are the three most effective study strategies? ›

3 Successful Study Techniques
  • Taking notes by hand. Since we live in such a technological age, some people might be surprised to know that it helps me to handwrite my notes. ...
  • Having a quiet place to study. ...
  • Read, write, recite.

What is the most powerful strategy for learning? ›

The most effective strategy according to Dunlosky's research is practice testing. It consists of studying and reviewing by answering questions and actively bringing information back to mind. When this is done, information is reconsolidated, new connections are created, and memory and understanding are strengthened.

What are your top 3 tips for effective study? ›

10 tips on how to study effectively
  • Get organised.
  • Don't skip class!
  • Take notes.
  • Talk to your teacher & ask questions.
  • Space out your studying.
  • Create a study plan – & stick to it.
  • Don't just re-read but study.
  • Set up a quiet study space.

What is the most common option in multiple-choice? ›

True or False

The “True” or “False” questions are some of the most commonly used multiple-choice questions. It includes the stem (question or statement) and two answer options – True and False.

What is the best way to answer multiple-choice questions? ›

  1. Read the entire question. ...
  2. Answer it in your mind first. ...
  3. Use the process of elimination. ...
  4. True or false test. ...
  5. Look for answers hidden in questions. ...
  6. Select the best answer. ...
  7. Answer the questions you know first.
  8. Pay attention to these words.
Apr 5, 2023

How do you teach test taking skills? ›

Top Test-Taking Strategies to Teach Your Students
  1. #1 – Underline key words in the question. ...
  2. #2 – Eliminate incorrect answers. ...
  3. #3 – Read the questions before the passage. ...
  4. #4 – Practice scoring open-ended responses. ...
  5. #5 – Make practicing fun. ...
  6. Prepare Your Students for State Testing.

What is the juxtaposition in Shrek? ›

The juxtaposition between Charming and Shrek demonstrates the way in which outward attractiveness and someone's status within society is not what matters the most, but their heart that is most important.

What is the main problem in Shrek? ›

In the movie Shrek, one of the conflicts was Shrek's fear of not being liked or respected by other people (especially by Princess Fiona) because he is an ogre. That is called the inner conflict; it is what goes on inside the character. The outer conflict is what goes on outside of the character.

Does Shrek have a deeper meaning? ›

From a Marxist perspective, Shrek's portrayal as a hideous, obnoxiously unhygienic ogre is a depiction of how the proletariat are viewed in society, and his location in the swamp is representative of the poor living conditions that end up being the homes of those who live in poverty or working class.

What are the key features of a multiple-choice test? ›

Multiple choice. Multiple choice questions are composed of one question (stem) with multiple possible answers (choices), including the correct answer and several incorrect answers (distractors).

What is the checklist for multiple choice questions? ›

Checklist for Reviewing Multiple-Choice Questions

Does the question test learners' mastery of key terms and concepts that relate to the learning objective(s)? Are the question and alternatives stated clearly and concisely? Do the alternatives sound plausible? Is there one and only one correct or clearly best answer?

What are the four parts of multiple choice questions? ›

1, a question is composed of four components: (1) a target word, which is the word being tested in the question, (2) a reading passage, in which the target word appears, (3) the correct answer, and (4) three distractors, or incorrect options.

What are the two major types of testing strategies? ›

There are two methods used in executing test cases: manual and automated. Depending on the nature of the testing, it is usually the case that a combination of manual and automated testing is the best testing method.

What are the 7 study skills? ›

Active listening, reading comprehension, note taking, stress management, time management, testing taking, and memorization are only a few of the topics addressed in our study skills guides for students.

What is an important strategy for any test and all question types? ›

Test Types & Their Strategies
  • Critically read the question. Underline key concept words as well as absolute words like "never," "all," and "always."
  • Try to answer the question without looking at the answers. ...
  • Read and consider all of the answers. ...
  • Narrow down distracting answers. ...
  • Look for clues in other questions.

What are the 4 C's teaching strategies? ›

The 21st century learning skills are often called the 4 C's: critical thinking, creative thinking, communicating, and collaborating. These skills help students learn, and so they are vital to success in school and beyond.

What are the 6 key teaching strategies? ›

According to the authors, those six tools are: (1) Reading for Meaning, (2) Compare and Contrast, (3) Inductive Learning, (4) Circle of Knowledge, (5) Write to Learn, and (6) Vocabulary's CODE.

What are the 6 strategies for effective teaching? ›

These six strategies for effective learning are based on evidence-based research and the science of learning. We will explore: spaced practice, retrieval practice, elaboration, concrete examples, dual coding and interleaving.

How to crack multiple choice question? ›

How To Ace Multiple Choice Questions Like A Pro | Tricks to Solve MCQs
  1. Strategize Your Time.
  2. Use Elimination.
  3. Analyze 'All of the Aboves'
  4. Practice Makes Perfect.
  5. Read the Given Instructions Carefully.
  6. Keep an Eye Out for Qualifiers.
  7. Look at the Options Later.
  8. Examine Each Option.

How do you grade multiple choice tests quickly? ›

Grading Cheats- How to grade multiple choice quickly
  1. Make all of the answers the same. I don't do this often, but occasionally I make it so all the answers are A, or B. ...
  2. Make a pattern. Again, not very creative, but make your answers follow a pattern: ABCDC. ...
  3. Use an overhead transparency. ...
  4. Hole puncher. ...
  5. Quick Key.
Jan 8, 2014

Is it better to take a test at night or in the morning? ›

Remember, morning tends to be the best time to take home pregnancy tests, because hCG levels in urine are concentrated after a night without much drinking and peeing. If you're still very early in your pregnancy and hCG levels are only starting to rise, it may be wise not to test at night.

What is the best time to sleep before a test? ›

You need a minimum of three hours and the best times to sleep are between 2AM and 6AM. Your body heat is lowest from 3-4AM, so you are drowsiest then and your memory retention is extremely poor. Sleep helps the mind absorb and retain the information you reviewed while studying.

How is multiple-choice score calculated? ›

Each answer point's percentage is calculated individually. To calculate the percentage of an answer, divide the number of responses to that point by the total number of responses to this multiple-choice question, and multiply by 100 (to reach the percentage).

How much can a 100 on a quiz bring your grade up? ›

Even if you get a perfect 100% grade on the final exam, you would only earn a “B.” More realistically, you wouldn't be able to get out of “C” range, unless there's a lot of extra credit you can take advantage of.

How are multiple-choice tests graded? ›

Multiple-choice questions are graded differently from other questions in Mastering. You lose 1/(n-1) points, when n is the number of options to choose from, for each unique wrong answer you submit.

Is it possible to get 100 in every subject? ›

It is not likely you will get 100% in all classes. You would have to be a genius I imagine. If you have the mental capacity, and you understand that you do you should do well. The biggest problem you may face is actually time management with constant review of material.

What are the 3 parts of multiple-choice test? ›

They are typically composed of three parts:
  • question stems,
  • correct answer or answers, and.
  • distractors.

What is the success criteria for multiple choice questions? ›

Multiple Choice Test Taking Strategies
  • Budget your time.
  • Attempt to answer the questions in consecutive order.
  • Ignore the answer choices.
  • Read the question carefully to determine the precise requirement.
  • Determine the correct answer before reading the answer choices.
  • Read the answer choices carefully.
  • Select the best answer.
Apr 11, 2013

What is the multiple-choice rule? ›

Basically, multiple choice questions are pick-one questions having only one correct answer. Other choices act as the “distractors” which are meant for drawing learners' attention away from the real answer. Every multiple choice question contains two parts: stem and alternatives.

Is 65 good on a test? ›

Many college grading systems consider a D, or 65 percent, to be the lowest passing grade. Note that different schools, programs, or classes may have different cutoff points for what they consider a passing grade.

How do you bring up an F? ›

Study hard.

The only way to bring up a failing grade is to make better grades on the other assignments. This starts with studying at home. You can't learn the information if you don't study it, so try to commit time each night to studying. Turn off distractions such as phones, laptops, TVs, or music.

Is a 70% on a quiz bad? ›

C - this is a grade that rests right in the middle. C is anywhere between 70% and 79% D - this is still a passing grade, and it's between 59% and 69% F - this is a failing grade.

When taking a multiple-choice test what is the most common answer? ›

Most people (and tutors) tell students that, if they have no idea on a question, to just guess answer choice “C” — the middle answer on most multiple choice tests.

What are the two parts of multiple-choice test? ›

A multiple-choice question (MCQ) is composed of two parts: a stem that identifies the question or problem, and a set of alternatives or possible answers that contain a key that is the best answer to the question, and several distractors that are plausible but incorrect answers to the question.

How do you grade multiple-choice tests quickly? ›

Grading Cheats- How to grade multiple choice quickly
  1. Make all of the answers the same. I don't do this often, but occasionally I make it so all the answers are A, or B. ...
  2. Make a pattern. Again, not very creative, but make your answers follow a pattern: ABCDC. ...
  3. Use an overhead transparency. ...
  4. Hole puncher. ...
  5. Quick Key.
Jan 8, 2014

How do you get straight A's in every subject? ›

How to Be a Straight-A Student
  1. Organize Your Class Materials. ...
  2. Never Miss a Class. ...
  3. Sit at the Front. ...
  4. Participate. ...
  5. Review Notes Immediately After Class. ...
  6. Set Up a Distraction-Free Study Area. ...
  7. Form a Study Group. ...
  8. Avoid Cramming for Exams.
Sep 10, 2021

How to get 100 percent on a test without studying? ›

How to Pass an Exam Without Studying
  1. Reading and Understanding the Exam.
  2. Answering Difficult Questions on the Exam.
  3. Tackling Multiple Choice Questions.
  4. Choosing the Best Answer on True/False Sections.
  5. Improving Your Mental State for the Exam.


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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.